Saturday, October 25, 2008

25/10/08 Sabado (Saturday)
After eggs on stale bread and fried up salami ( I didn’t have any but Damo said the salami was ok) (well the Salami just looks like the ham and the ham looks like Devon, so it was more like some type of thing that resembled Ham than Salami that Damo fried) we were off to meet Silvie to go to the markets at Totonicapan.
Totonicpan about 2hrs away by bus is a pretty town with an extremely busy market. We bought a long sleave top and a piece of weaved fabric that has some fabulous bright colours.
For lunch we had our usual Saturday food of delicious Tamales, this time Silvie came over and we sadly said goodbye after lunch.
We are off early tomorrow and had to pack the bags and we will be off again.